Why You Should Learn Spanish

Considering Taking on Spanish Lessons? Read on

Speaking multiple languages holds many social benefits. In an increasingly global community, by speaking a second language you open yourself up to:

  • connecting with more people
  • hearing different life experiences
  • experiencing another culture
  • broadening your perspectives 

Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world

Notably, 534 million people across Europe, Africa, the Americas and Caribbean speak Spanish. It is the official language of 21 countries such as Cuba, Mexico, Ecuador, Puerto Rico and a number of others.

Expand knowledge of the English Language

If you grew up as a Native English speaker, chances are you didn’t waste too much thought on things like placement, prepositions, pronouns and other grammatical rules. Learning Spanish teaches you the structure behind language, allowing you to re-discover the English language, and most likely grasp it wholly for the first time.

Improve Your Cognitive Abilities

Farolito Spanish Courses Melbourne

Studies have shown that multilinguists tend to have better memory, creativity and problem-solving skills. Challenging your brain to acquire a second language promotes concentration and increases attention span. As you begin to switch between languages you exercise your multitasking abilities. The subsequent benefits for bilingual individuals include greater decision-making skills and rational thinking. 

Once you are in the habit of analysing and processing other linguistic structures- you are set to learn more languages. Not to mention, the confidence boost of mastering a skill is extremely motivating. 

Broadening Your Career Opportunities

Farolito Spanish Classes Melbourne

If you have ever had the desire to work overseas then the reason to learn another language is obvious. With all of the Spanish speaking countries listed above, the world is your oyster. Even if you don’t have your sights set on moving overseas, being multilingual is an attractive soft skill on your resume. A potential employer may consider you as a valuable asset, as you will be able to broaden the business’s range of communication. In addition, it conveys a sense of motivation toward personal development.

Cultural Appreciation

Farolito Spanish Courses Melbourne

To learn Spanish is to give yourself access to a new library of literature and collection of Spanish cinema. If you need some motivation, Melbourne’s Palace Cinemas presents an enticing array of films every year at their Spanish Film Festival. The festival will hopefully go on as scheduled in 2021 as Melbourne Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted.

Hundreds of authors from across the globe have voted “El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha” (Don Quijote) by novelist Miguel de Cervantes as one of the most influential books of all time. While it has been translated to all common spoken languages, being able to read the original means nuances will not get lost in translation. 

Open Your Mind

Understanding language, history and culture is a step toward a world with less prejudice. The ability to observe, learn, appreciate and connect with people who are unlike yourself will broaden your outlook on life. Speaking another language offers priceless, yet valuable, life lessons.

Spanish for Travellers

Farolito Learn Spanish

Being able to travel knowing you can get around even the less-travelled routes will give you a sense of confidence and safety.   

Speaking Spanish in Spain, Argentina, Peru, or elsewhere, will offer you a rich experience, as you will be able to immerse yourself in the local culture. Some cultural experiences, ways of living and modes of thinking can only truly be understood by speakers of a given language.

Aside from the benefits of convenience, being able to converse with the locals may open opportunities to explore the local areas that aren’t so obvious to tourists. When you show commitment and genuine interest in a culture by learning its language, the locals are more likely to take you seriously. Another great reason as to why you should learn Spanish!

The Learning Process

Farolito Spanish Courses Melbourne

Taking Spanish classes is half the fun of knowing Spanish. In our group Spanish lessons we will teach you to interact and converse, overall giving you a boost of social confidence. Our students have forged new friendships by participating in conversation groups and starting penpal relationships. However, if you prefer a tailored approach to your learning we offer private spanish tutoring in Melbourne

When you decide to take your new linguistic skills to a social environment we recommend the yearly Hispanic-Latin American Festival and Cultural Association and Melbourne Latin Summer Festival.

Learning Spanish is easier than you think!

Farolito Learn Spanish

With the right teachers and tools you’ll be a pro in no time.

Compared to other languages, written Spanish is easy to read and pronounce. The basic grammar is straightforward and many vocabulary words are similar to English.

Our friendly and qualified staff are recognised by the Victorian Association for Teachers of Spanish. We offer a number of Spanish Courses in Melbourne and Online Spanish Lessons. These include our Intensive Spanish Lessons, Group Spanish Lessons and Private Spanish Lessons in Melbourne’s South East suburb of South Yarra.